Mar 1, 2024 4:21 PM - The Connect News
The Alberta government announced in the budget presented yesterday that a $200 annual tax will be imposed on electric vehicles.
This tax will be applicable from January 2025.
This tax will be paid when the owners register their vehicles and the fee will be paid in addition to the existing registration fee.
According to the Alberta government, electric vehicles will be charged the same amount of annual fuel tax that drivers of gas vehicles pay.
This tax will not be applicable on owners of hybrid vehicles.
The government says that electric vehicles are heavy and cause damage to roads but their owners do not pay fuel tax.
The tax is expected to raise $1 million in revenue for the government by 2024-25.
According to government estimates, demand in electric vehicles is expected to accelerate, with the government expecting to earn $5 million in 2025-26 and $8 million in 2026-27.
According to a survey conducted in June last year, 66 percent of Canadians said that they are considering buying an electric vehicle.
However, the implementation of the tax is expected to change people's decision.