Oct 9, 2024 4:01 PM - Connect Newsroom
One of Alberta Premier Danielle Smith's key advisers and the driving force behind the province's recovery-focused addiction treatment push is leaving the job.
Premier Smith says her chief-of-staff, Marshall Smith, will retire from public service by the end of October. Marshall Smith has been held up as the architect of the government's approach to the drug-overdose crisis, prioritizing recovery over harm-reduction.
Rob Anderson, executive director of the premier's office, is set to take over the chief-of-staff role. Marshall Smith has also been at the centre of a controversial policy of making it easier for politicians and staffers to accept gifts and event tickets.
Rule changes made last year gave Marshall Smith the discretion to approve gifts valued higher than 500-dollars for staff. Premier Smith has faced criticism by allowing politicians and staff to accept tickets to Edmonton Oilers' playoff games from a businessman whose company was involved in an eighty-million-dollar public contract.