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May 15, 2024 2:45 PM - Connect Newsroom

Hey Honey!

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Recently, during a live performance, Badshah made a comment that evidently irked Yo Yo Honey Singh. (Photo: Instagram/badboyshah)

The ongoing rivalry between rappers Badshah and Yo Yo Honey Singh seems far from over, as the two artists frequently throw jabs at each other. Recently, during a live performance, Badshah made a comment that evidently irked Yo Yo Honey Singh.

Playfully jesting and singing, Badshah jokingly mentioned that he could pen lyrics that would aid Honey Singh in making a comeback. For those unaware, Yo Yo Honey Singh has been vocal about others attempting to fill his shoes during his absence but failing to do so. He even referred to Badshah as a "nano car". It appears that this feud shows no signs of resolution anytime soon.


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